Thursday, December 8, 2011

Not-a-Tour VLOG

Here is a 3 minute video to sum up the 10 date Not-a-Tour. Enjoy

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tis The Season

Thanks to everyone who came out for Not-a-Tour Volume one. Big thank you to Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal. Those shows were something special and we'll have some videos up shortly.

What are we up to now? Well we're going to be writing, writing, recording, and writing. Lets face it, noone wants to tour Canada in the winter, so what better time then to make some new music.

It's kind of up in the air as to what we're releasing next, but that also comes with excitement. We have a few tricks up our sleeve for the next couple months to come, and all I can say is that you might be seeing us sooner than you think. Wink, wink, nudge

Happy early holidays

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

NOT-a-TOUR Vol.1

Thank you to everyone who has come out to one of the shows on Not-a-Tour Vol.1. Thanks to everyone who sang along, danced, told us we sucked, and bought a tshirt. There's still 2 more dates left (Ottawa,Montreal) and we have no doubt that these will be nuts.

After this tour we are going to be writing/recording new stuff that we've been anxious to get under way. Also, a few more tricks up our sleeves

Video's coming soon- for now here's some pictures

Monday, November 21, 2011

FREE EP- Download now

You can now download our EP for free. Got Facebook? Go to the 'FREE EP' tab on our Facebook Page here to download it FACEBOOK PAGE

Got Twitter? Pay With A Tweet to download the EP just for Tweeting something. Click the button below to do it

Hope you enjoy the tunes. More coming soon
Love, CA

Friday, November 4, 2011


We're giving away a pair of tickets to our last Toronto show of the year. Here's what you need to KNOW:

-Sneaky Dee's
-w/ Ten Second Epic
-All Ages/ 19+

Here's what you need to do to win:

-Make this photo your profile picture on Facebook and tag our Facebook Page in it.

Winner will be picked on Nov.11th

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011


Its been an AMAZING summer everyone. We accomplished SO MUCH and looking back we wouldn't change a thing. We met SO MANY AMAZING people in cities we never thought we would never play in. Here is our second last episode of the summer 2011 videos. Which by the way if you enjoy these videos post them EVERYWHERE. show friends how stupid we are we love it!
Check back in a couple weeks for the final summer 2011 episode.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


The first official street team was made today by Ashleigh Marie! We want to personally thank her for doing that. Now we ask YOU!!! to do the same. Make a street team for your city and invite ALLLLLLL your friends and if you do that we will love you forever!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

End Of Summer Update

First. If you don't pay attention to any of our facebook's or never come to our site then you have no idea what we do video blogs every week! We promise you after watching these videos you will seriously think we are weirdos but you will laugh your ass off for sure!
Second. We have been saying the CD is coming out soon since about June WE PROMISE!!! It will be out before the end of the year!
Third. To promote the CD were doing an Ontario Tour so keep checking the dates to see when we play in your city
Fourth. You can now go to our MUSIC section and listen to our single Witches (no not a 30 second clip) THE WHOLE FO FREE!!!

<3 BRO

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Summer 2011 Episode 10

BUNCH of hilarious stuff in this one
- trashing hotels, getting drunk, who can eat more pizza, bro's ass & more!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Summer 2011 Episode 8

a bunch of random moments that happened out East and this summer so far. Then a preview to out West at the end!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


New Video Blog! Check out a NEW SONG called CRAZY FOOL! Live at sauble beach

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

NEW Festival added

Just announced that we'll be playing Koi Music Festival on Sept.17th in Kitchener, ON. Who else is playing? The New Cities, Protest The Hero, The Planet Smashers, and a shit ton more.

ALSO its Ryan's Birthday that day, so come buy him a drink or 10.


You can stream two of the tracks from our Album called "Witches" and "Over & Over"
Just click "MUSIC" above this post. Right up there ^

Monday, August 8, 2011

Out East Part 2

- Witches Live in PEI
- Steve and Ryan have a pirate fight on a ship in the middle of the Atlantic ocean

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Back From Tour

Well were alive... barely! But were having the time of our lives!
Our Cross Canada tour was a great success and met a lot of interesting people we will never forget. Expect lots of new videos to come! Also tonight we played our homecoming show at Rock The Mill in Cambridge and had the time of our LIVES!

In other news we will be taking a couple months off to write new songs, get a new set, get new merch, and be back to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!


Thursday, July 21, 2011


took a tip in a gross ass lake but after sleeping in metro parking lots every night we needed it and so did our butt holes!

the views out here are SOO DOPE!!!
also check out our new video blog!!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


FIRST OF ALL we wanna say were SUPER sorry for not uploading the video last monday. BUT we will have 3 episodes up in the next 2 weeks!!!
currently in PEI just had some "wicked fries" and now were chillin outside the venue with our boys in VSV. So far 3 days in we have almost got a MAJOR ticket or arrested, seen the atlantic ocean, walked in rain way more than we ever should and were having the time of our life!
heres a pic to keep you excited with what is to come

Thursday, July 7, 2011

FREE Download of "Witches" NOW AVAILABLE

You can listen to our new track "Witches" NOW! How? Its simple,

Go to and click "Like" on our BandPage

The song will be available for FREE Download on Tuesday the 12th

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Last weekend of June

well this weekend was amazing
Expect some video updates soon from the past weekend, but here is the introduction to the sexiest vehicle on the road

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Once a week this summer you will see us update a new video on our youtube and on here. Were heading out across Canada and not leaving out any details, catching everything on film. here is episode 1.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


CORNWALL - Murphys Inn, 917 Second St W, Playing with These Kids Wear Crowns, The Artist Life, Mean Tangerine

MONTREAL - The Underworld, 251 Ste-Catherine Street East, Playing with These Kids Wear Crowns, The Artist Life, Mean Tangerine and Ill City Lights

ST. CATHARINES - 8:20 at the L3 Downstairs. Refer to map below HAND DRAWN by none other than the amazing artist BRO (click on it to enlarge)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sound Of Music

had a blast at the Sound of Music Festival

Not only was our set a lot of fun, every band that played did amazing including our boys in Victory Sweet Victory. Speaking of VSV all our shows out east will be with them shit heads and there is no other band we would rather share this experience with!

see you soon Cornwall, Montreal & St. Cats
Peace Mahobiessss

Sunday, June 12, 2011


TORONTO you are amazing and we love you! Awesome show at the MOD Club. Sucked if you missed it... BUT this Saturday June 18th we play at the Sound Of Music Festival in Burlington. We're on the Arcelor Mittal Stage at 1PM.
For more info check out

Monday, May 30, 2011

New this week

This weekend was action packed with a BBQ, Recording and some good old fashioned HACKY SACK! The new Album is coming along great. We have finished recording ALL the songs, just need vocals on a couple tracks and then finishing touches, and then its all yours!

Just a reminder that there is only 2 days left for the contest for FREE TICKETS to The Envy show @ The MOD Club in Toronto on the 10th! so get inviting! See below.

<3 BRO

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


FIRST - we now have a PERSONAL account for the band, you can send us messages, comments on our wall and randomly we will be on chat, ADD US!

SECOND - we are holding a CONTEST for our show on June 10th with The Envy. Take a picture or print screen yourself adding everyone on your Facebook list to the event already made by "live music TO" (make sure the picture is of the page where its you selecting everyone) and send the picture to along with your name at the top of the email. We will be picking the winner June 1st so you have until the end of may to send us your pictures. On June 1st we will write down everyone's name on a sheet of paper, put them all in a hat, and draw a name.

The winner gets their name on the guest list plus 2 to the show & more to be announced!

here is a link to the event:


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Toronto June 10th

Toronto, June 10th this will probably be the only show we play in Toronto all summer so lets make it count! Invite EVERYONE you know on facebook to the event, and its at the MOD club which is not only an amazing venue its our first time playing it and we wanna ROCK ER'BODY their!
We will be Direct Support for The Envy who just toured with KISS not too long ago, we promise you this show is going to be amazing! And MAYBE if enough people come out we will preview 3 new songs we recorded with Greig Nori this past week

keep it tight

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Studio Part 1

Part 1 of MANY Studio updates in Video Form and some more pics to come!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


you can now buy our single "Over & Over" on iTunes and of coarse only 99 cents.

Other good news some summer festivals have just been announced if you will so kindly scroll down and look under our shows we will be filling that up ALL SUMMER LONG! so keep checking back for brand new updates and a new video blog soon!

You Know How We Do

Saturday, April 9, 2011


TUCKS 21st b-day was 4 years ago! so make sure you tell him happy b-day today cause he is 25!
last night we ROCKED THE CRAP out of the Hard Luck, thanks to everyone that came out and to everyone that took pics tag us in them on facebook!
keep shinin!
<3 BRO

Monday, April 4, 2011

New CD!

sorry about the long overdue update we have been crazy busy!

As you can see to the right we have a couple shows coming up here and there we will be taking time off as we are writing our new EP. No set date but it will for sure be released sometime summer 2011 and from there we will hit every city we can in beautiful Canada and maybe somewhere else! We would love to tell you who the lucky producers will be on this CD but that would mean their is no post for next week

hahaha suckas!

keep checking back to find out who is producing our next cd and news about a new music video

keep shining

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is Untoasted a word?

Hey everyone. I'm not sure who everyone implies on our website because I don't know who visits,if anyone, but hello to you. I am sitting at my desk at work, indulging in a cup of coffee to wake me up, and a bagel...which was not toasted, but I do not have the energy to walk back across the straight to complain. In fact I don't really care that the bagels not toasted. I have bigger things to worry about than whether or not my bagels temperature was raised slightly and has burn abrasions on it. Fuck it, I'll eat the bagel this way. Enough about the bagel.

Our first hometown show in over 5 months is this Friday. I love playing Toronto. Not only because the shows are always great, but because Toronto is our Hometown. Someone right now is probably saying "Wait you guys are from Cambridge". Fact: No we are not. If were speaking individually then yes, Ryan was born in Cambridge, and Steve moved there from England when he was a kid. The band however formed in Toronto and played our first show ever there, thus giving it the Hometown stamp...besides We've never had a great show in Cambridge, except for the Fall Fair...with Stereos..Sweet times. We've either been heckled or blown the fuse boxes on more than one occasion (7 times in one set)...Thats a quality sound system.

Back to Toronto. This show is going to be our biggest and best Toronto show to date..Atleast we anticipate. Since we put out the video for "Over & Over" we've seemed to have picked up a bit more buzz surronding it. Buzz is good, we'll take it. If you can't make it out on Friday (for only $7)at The HardLuck Bar which you should, then we've just announced our CMW Showcase in March. Details are right over there ---->. Say no more.

P.S. Shoutout to Victory, Sweet Victory! Those guys are too school for cool.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

TICKET GIVEAWAY- Feb.18th in Toronto @ HardLuck Bar

Heyo, We are going to be giving away Four (4) pairs of tickets to our Hometown stop on the Tour. The show is next Friday the 18th, at HardLuck Bar. How do you win them you ask? It's easy, Click the link to our Official Facebook page below, then click 'Like' and the contest will be revealed in our latest Status Update. You'll have until Sunday at 10pm, so get over there now!


Friday, February 11, 2011

'We are CHASING AMEE and we're here to watch Scott Pilgrim kick your teeth in' Tour 2011.

Yes, thats one long tour name for one short tour, but given that we love Scott Pilgrim (and Michael Cera of course) how could we not name it that. Anyways we are 3 dates into the tour and so far its been incredible.

We started off in Cambridge, ON. A city you've probably never heard of and never will. Fun fact: Ryan was actually born there, and Steve has lived there since he was 6 years old..or maybe it was 9. It's one or the other and I'm too lazy to get up off the couch to get my phone to text Steve to ask him, so we'll settle on 6. Back to the Tour, the show in Cambridge was good, good kids, fun time.

We packed up and trekked to Montreal for the next day and lets just say we were welcomed with fans and snow. The fans were almost as crazy as the snow (in a good way). Crowd went off in Montreal and its been the most fun I've had on stage in a while. We were greated with 2 feet of snow during Load-out which was a nice treat from Montreal. After we braved the blizzard, we braved a real cool bar. One of the cooler bars i've been to in a different city. I wont go into detail, but lets just say the night involved lots of drinks (containing alcohol) and a man with a foot long fake penis. Yep.

The next day was time to head to our capital. Yeeee. Ottawa represent. We got there nice and early so we could explore, and explore we did. We hit up Parliament to have tea with Harper (unfortunately he wasn't in the country let alone the office) , but his Security were real nice...So nice that they escorted us out of the building in this really love things that hold your hands together..Gosh, Mounties are the shit. We played at Cafe Dekcuf, and it was far from a Cafe. The place was amazing. Our first Sold-Out out of town show and it couldn't have been better. Ottawa we love you.

I'm going to keep posting pictures that we take on our 'Hipstamatic' app for the iPhone. If you dont have this app then you are a fool. Go and download it..illegally.

More to come soon

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Welcome to . What will you find here you ask? Well shut your yap and let me tell you. This is your one stop shop for all things chasing amee. Everything you need to know, want to know, and probably shouldn't know will be posted here. Hop on and join us on our journey....